Friday, January 05, 2007


Then their cloaks billowed in the raging wind
Raucous cries tore into a black eventide.
Priests of Darkness were they – for they had sinned
and heaven to them was forever denied.

Corvidae – theirs was an insatiable lust
for all of the secrets of darkness and light.
Gospels and testaments earned their mistrust,
and their blasphemous questions sought to incite.

The meek and the god fearing sheep were rounded
before the Corvidae corrupted their minds.
Virtuous womenfolk also proceeded
to aver to masters, their staunch allegiance.

The Priests of Darkness possessed snake-like eyes;
their words, their manner, above all their questions
made men start thinking, made men dangerous,
and goaded women to demolish their chains.

Then God and the King and all Holy Leaders
Conferred together to set things back right.
“Questions cause anarchy and views diverse,
Faith’s what we need for the world to shine bright.”

In a cave that the Corvidae usually met
Masked assassins, with sharp daggers, then hid
and they stabbed the Corvidae without regret
the world was then saved, of Priests it was rid.

Then their cloaks billowed in the raging wind
Raucous cries tore into a black eventide
Black winged Corvidae, ‘gainst a dark sky maligned
Cawed and cried and circled their graveside.

(Corvidae is a family of birds that contains the crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, treepies and nutcrackers)


Anonymous said...

Fine as allegory. But surely you've written better than this...


Anonymous said...

Am trying out different forms. From my quill/pen/keyboard this, unfortunately, is as good as it gets :(